How to become
an Advertiser

Your ads are only a few steps away from the audience you want to reach.

Our self-serve interface, advanced targeting options, CPM-bidding platform, and highly-trafficked Publisher sites are a winning combination that will help you run a successful marketing campaign for your online ecommerce business.

Define your

Get precise with your message.

Set the name, target group, device and daily budget for your campaign. Define your audience by targeting a niche market with our keyword selection feature and choose additional settings such as time targeting and frequency capping in order to get the most out of your marketing campaigns.

Upload your

Get creative with your message!

Upload banner images or select previously used ones from your image bank to display to your audience. If you are new to website advertising, and don't know what to promote, feel free to check out our partner Adultforce for a variety of products you can choose from.

Select a Site
& Placement

Choose from a list of highly trafficked websites and select the spot where you want your ads to be displayed.

Follow up
on your ROI

Start seeing clicks, leads and sales coming to your site. Analyse your stats and optimize to get better results.

Become an Advertiser!
Let us help you reach your most
ambitious web marketing goals.

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